Sunday, April 12, 2009

New pics

Maddie has become such a ham these days. She is always cheesing it up for the camera. Some more pics of her misc cute diapers.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New pics and a rough weekend


Come here bunny!

Nom nom nom
Shield your eyes!!
Here are some more fluffy butt pics. Neon yellow (I didn't realize it was that bright when I bought it) and cow print. Maddie was unfortunately very sick this past weekend. She woke up from her nap Friday evening with a fever of 103. I brought her to the pediatrician on Saturday morning and they said it was a virus and to just keep her fever down.
By Saturday evening both Tylenol and Motrin were not working and when she woke up in the middle of the night, she was acting very lethargically and shivering. DJ and decided to bring her into the ER to make sure she was okay. They finally got her fever down and we went home. I spent yesterday home with her and she seems to be improving slowly. Thank goodness! The cloth diapering is going very well. I love it and Maddie certainly doesn't seem to mind.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Look at my fluffy butt!

Modeling her cutie pie shirt and Imse Vimse cover
Fluffy butt!

An indian prefold secured with a snappi goes underneath the cover. I actually didn't do too badly for my first try

The cover keeps wetness off of her clothes
The great majority of our cloth diapering will not be the old school diaper folding with covers but I got a few covers and some indian prefolds to experiment with and they are a very economical way to cloth diaper. I'll take some pics of her in her pocket diapers as well. These are easy to put on and take off.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pic updates

Look at all my toys!!!!
Look at my cute new jammies and my non-matching zebra socks.

I sit so well now!

My new wheels

The BOB Ironman stroller. Now we're rollin in style.
A few new pictures from the past two weeks. Maddie will be 8 months old on Saturday. She is getting so big. We will also be starting CDing on Saturday and some fluffy butt pictures will be soon to follow.