Monday, October 11, 2010

It's been a while

Well, alot has happened since I last posted. Maddie is now two and learning new things every day. We had a rough week in August when Maddie was hospitalized at CHOP with a parapharyngeal (in her neck) abscess that needed surgery and IV antibiotics. It was a horrible week, but Maddie did so well and has been 100% better since. She's such a smart little girl and even has gotten some manners saying, please, thank you and bless you when appropriate. I'm going to add a bunch of pictures from August , September and October to get everyone updated.




Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Big 2

Maddie is offiicially two! She's had a rough few days as she had her well visit on Friday and got a shot that made her leg hurt and is getting her 2 year molars in at the same time. She grew quite a bit and is 36 inches tall and 30 lbs 8 oz. She's solidly in her 3T clothes. She was very afraid when Dr. Rao came in to examine her as she doesn't like her ears looked at. We'll be getting a play doctor kit or a book about it for her next visit now that she understands a little more we can prepare her better.
We had our immediate family over for a small party for her yesterday. She was pretty cranky, but warmed up after a bit. She got some great gifts. She got money for her college fund from her great mom-mom, a play house from her Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop Van Buren. A tricycle from Aunt Donna. A bike trailer from Mom-Mom and Pop-pop Bondi as well as lots of clothes, pajamas, toys, books, coloring books, and crayons from all of us as well. Here are some pictures from her party.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Less than a week until the big 2!

Where has time gone? A few of Maddie's favorite things right now.... puzzles, bracelets, her new tinkerbell sandals. Every ten minutes she decides she likes or doesn't like a particular food. I have the week after her birthday off and we plan on spending a few days down the shore, taking a trip to the zoo, and just spending some quality time together. The hubs isn't off so it will be just Maddie and I. Here are a few pictures of Maddie in the past month.

Tribute to Maddie's second year

I wanted to do a tribute to Maddie's second year with a picture from each month in the past 12 months.