Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 2010

What can I say. The terrible twos are upon us. Little Miss Maddie is testing her limits left and right. She is what people call a "spirited" child, but she is so much fun! She chatters up a storm and I couldn't even begin to guess how many words she knows. She says a few words at a time in short sentences and it seems like she's grown three inches the past few weeks. She's the size of the average 3 year old. Her favorite past times are going to the grocery store to ride in the Handy Manny cart car, going to the park to go down the slide a million times and going to swim lessons on Saturday mornings. Maddie has started sitting on the potty and loves to try and go while she is on there. She is often successful and very pleased with herself. She doesn't get when she has to go though so we won't be pushing it on her anytime soon. We still haven't seen the emergence of the two year molars, but I am guessing they are right around the corner waiting to rear they ugly selves. I tried to measure how tall she is and she's about 34 1/2 inches and still weighing in at about 29 lbs.