Saturday, June 23, 2012

Well I've been a slacker

Chris is now 8 months old. He's such a sweet little boy. He is still getting up 1-2 times a night which keeps us pretty exhausted. He cut his 3rd and 4th teeth the past couple weeks, having got the first two shortly after he turned 6 months. He can sit up really well and loves to play with blocks. He makes a sound like a pterodactyl and had been blowing raspberries this week. Maddie is such a big girl now and almost 4. She can write letters and draw pictures that actually look like things. Her favorite thing to do now is cut paper. I'm so busy during the week, its hard to find anytime to myself between working 10 hour days and taking care of the kids. DJ is in school full time for nursing as of last month. Life is HECTIC!