Saturday, November 21, 2009

New pictures 15 months

Showing off her climbing skills

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Maddie's christmas wish list (Wish list Wednesday)

The things I would like to get Maddie for christmas this year:
1. A play kitchen
2. A play purse like one of these

3. A play medical kit
4.  A nice sturdy toy chest

5. A kid sized table and chairs. I've heard ikea has nice ones that I need to go check out
6. She likes Sesame street and Winnie the pooh so I am sure anything along those lines will be favorites

15 months

It's been a while and I need to upload some new pictures. Maddie had her 15 month well visit yesterday and has grown two inches and gained a pound. She is so much fun at this age. Her favorite thing to do is climb on everything including the coffee table. She says 20-30 words her favorites being cookie and no. She loves cookie monster and winnie the pooh. Her books are still a favorite with her new favorite reading partner daddy. She got all four of her 1 year molars in the past month, so sleeping has been occasionally iffy. She is a great sleeper though sleeping from about 6:15 pm till 6 am and taking one nap in the middle of the day.
I can't wait for Maddie's second thanksgiving and second christmas. I feel like maybe she'll be excited to open presents and love the christmas tree.